Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Role of Socio–Psychological Status of Beneficiaries in their Effective Participation in MGNREGA

Mr. Argade Shivaji Dadabhau, Wadkar Sagar Kisan

Abstract :

The study was undertaken in Thane district of Maharashtra to study socio-psychological profile of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) beneficiaries. Many research studies revealed that the profile of beneficiaries was having great contribution in the extent of participation of beneficiaries in the development programmes. This study revealed that majority of the MGNREGA beneficiaries was young aged, females, illiterate, belonged to joint family, medium family size, farming as their occupation, small farmers, medium income group, medium social participation, medium level of aspiration and medium level of awareness. The strategy suggested to increase their participation in MGNREGA were culturally appropriate and acceptable

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Mr. Argade Shivaji Dadabhau, Wadkar Sagar Kisan Role of Socio-Psychological Status of Beneficiaries in their Effective Participation in MGNREGA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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