Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016
Dr. Boppana Durga Mahita, Dr Roshan Maben, Dr Vidhu Ashok
Abstract :
INTRODUCTION: Birth is, in itself, a hyperoxic challenge. The fetus transfers from an intrauterine hypoxic environment with a PO2 of 20–25 mm Hg to an extra uterine normoxic yet relatively hyperoxic environment with a PO2 of 100 mm Hg. Extrauterine aerobic existence requires efficient cellular electron transport systems to produce energy. In concert with energy–producing oxidative metabolism, biochemical defenses protect against oxidation of cellular constituents by oxygen radicals.When this balance is impaired, however, tissue damage may result. It is known that increasing free oxygen radicals in newborns damages the cell memane by way of lipid peroxidation, and this damage may be associated with various pathologies recorded in newborns. OBJECTIVES: In this study we aim to investigate the relationship between MDA levels and mother related, and newborn related factors, which may affect these levels and also compare the MDA levels between the various modes of delivery. We also measure biochemical values in the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants born via various modes of delivery. METHODOLOGY: The study was conducted at A J Institute of Medical Sciences, between January 2013 and November 2013 on 24 newborns born via elective CS, 24 newborns born via emergency CS, and 24 newborns born via normal vaginal delivery. Total bilirubin, uric acid, LDH and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured in the umbilical cord blood. RESULTS: Among the 72 (100%) newborns, 52.8% (n=38) were female and 47.2% (n=34) were male babies where p value was not significant. Among the 72 (100%), 6.9% (n=5) babies were born with meconium stained liquor and all these 5 babies were delivered by emergency cesarean section The mean serum MDA level in babies born through normal vaginal delivery was of mean 0.584+0.596, while in babies born through elective cesarean section was of mean 0.313+0.301 and in those born by emergency cesarean section was 0.953+1.114. The p value between groups was estimated using Fishers test ANNOVA was <0.016 which was highly significant. In the emergency CS group, it was determined that the malondialdehyde level increased as there is either hypoxia or hyperoxia status in the umbilical cord blood. Similarly in these groups a positive correlation was detected between the total bilirubin, uric acid with malondialdehyde levels in the umbilical cord blood. CONCLUSION: The babies born by emergency cesarean section have undergone more oxidative stress as compared to other modes of delivery. It is also proved in this study that serum malondialdehyde(MDA) levels in the cord blood is reliable marker to detect the oxidative stress during the immediate perinatal period in a term newborn baby
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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DR. Boppana Durga Mahita, Dr Roshan Maben, Dr Vidhu Ashok ROLE OF SERUM MALONDIALDEHYDE IN DETECTING THE OXIDATIVE STRESS IN NEWBORN International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue :
5 MAY 2016
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DR. Boppana Durga Mahita, Dr Roshan Maben, Dr Vidhu Ashok ROLE OF SERUM MALONDIALDEHYDE IN DETECTING THE OXIDATIVE STRESS IN NEWBORN International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016
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