Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Role of Public Relations for Effective Communications in NGOs

Dr. Anshu Bhati

Abstract :

NGOs exist because Government cannot do everything. NGOs generally are funded by Government, national/ international network of NGOs and/or corporate. Normally these funding bodies try to rule the philosophy and working style of NGOs and turn them in their interest. Due to financial limitations in the sector, it becomes difficult to attract devoted volunteers and employees. Also, NGOs must operate and be managed in the public interest. They must communicate their goals and objectives in order to maintain visibility, credibility, accountability and growth. Unavailability of funds and importance of trust and faith in the sector create need for a promotional tool, which is perceived as ethical. Public Relation clearly plays a vital role. The present research is undertaken to study the communication objectives of Indian NGOs. It further aims to study the role of Public Relations (PR) in the achievement of these communication objectives. Findings indicated that communication objectives targeting to beneficiaries were paramount importance by NGOs

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Dr. Anshu Bhati / Role of Public Relations for Effective Communications in NGOs / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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