Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2020


Dr. Anshul Gupta, Dr Raj Joshi, Dr. C. Raychaudhary

Abstract :

Aims and objectives: Case study of POTT SPINE with MRI. Methods and materials: Retrospective review of imaging of 31 patients diagnosed as pott’s spine with MRI. Results: Three most useful MR imaging features with high sensitivity and specificity (> 80%) were endplate disruption (31/31,100%), paraverteal soft tissue (30/31,96.8%), and high signal intensity of interverteal disc on T2W (25/31,80.6%). High sensitivity but low specificity signs in MRI included bone marrow edema (28/31,90.3%), bone marrow enhancement (31/31,100%), posterior element involvement (29/31,93.5%), canal stenosis (27/31,87.1%), and spinal cord or nerve root compression (25/31,80.6%). Low sensitivity but high specificity features in MRI were interverteal disc enhancement (20/31,64.5%), verteal collapse (18/31,58.1%), and kyphosis deformity (21/31,67.7%). Overall, the sensitivity and specificity of MRI for spinal tuberculosis was 100%.

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ROLE OF MRI IN POTT'S SPINE, Dr. Anshul Gupta, Dr Raj Joshi, Dr. C. Raychaudhary INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2020

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