Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Role of MRI evaluation in Assessment of Morphological changes in Degenerative disease of Spine

Dr. Avinash Angadrao Gutte, Dr. Jyoti B. Bade

Abstract :

Between each verteal body of the spine are pads of fiocartilage–based structures that provide support, flexibility, and minor load–shå known as the interverteal discs. These are primarily composed of two layers: (1) a soft, pulpy nucleus pulposus on the inside of the disc and (2) a surrounding firm structure known as the annulus fiosus. A disruption of the normal architecture of these round discs can lead to a disc herniation or a protrusion of the inner nucleus pulposus, possibly applying pressure to the spinal cord or nerve root and resulting in radiating pain and specific locations of weakness.

MRI is the standard imaging modality for detecting disc pathology due to its advantage of lack of radiation, multiplanar imaging capability, excellent spinal soft–tissue contrast and precise localization of interverteal discs changes.

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Dr. Avinash Angadrao Gutte, Dr.Jyoti B. Bade, Role of MRI evaluation in Assessment of Morphological changes in Degenerative disease of Spine, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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