Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Role of Forest Satyagraha in Indian Independence (1930)

Punam Uddhavjanbandhu

Abstract :

Struggle for independence to India was contributed by many regional movements at different times and the collective strength of various agitations lead to the consolidation of voice against the tyrant British Rule. To name a few amongst them were ‘Dandi March’ and ‘Forest Satyagraha’. common peasants of vidarbha dependent mainly of forest produce, minor Forest lays and calables. A sudden Change in British Policy of leaving tax on these forest produce hampered the prospects of the common people to a great extent. To protest against the tyranny of the empire. Concept of Forest satyagraha was launched by loknayak Bapuji Ane, which was supported by the Berar provincial congress war council. The Forest Satyagraha was started on 10th July 1930 at Pusad. The movement was given momentum by many new groups at different places, like Talegaon Reaction to these activities from British was stern and assessive still people continue to join the Satyagraha.

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Punam UddhavJanbandhu Role of Forest Satyagraha in Indian Independence (1930) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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