Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Role of Effective Microorganisms (EM) in Sustainable Agriculture A Review and Recommendations

Dr. G. Alagukannan, M. Ashokkumar

Abstract :

The agricultural systems and practices today are facing many hardships by shrinking land, water and labour resources and hence problems of food scarcity loom in the near future. Excessive and continuous usage of agrochemicals led to diminishing returns from the crop lands and those foods are also with harmful chemical residues. The concept Effective Microorganisms has been developed during 1980’s and its beneficial effects on soil, crop and environment was reported here and there. It contains three principal groups of microorganism viz., lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria and yeast and its mode of action is not scientifically documented. However the reports and research evidences revealed the beneficial effects of ensuring sustainable agriculture and environmental preservation. This review paper has been prepared with the aim to assess the potential uses of Effective Microorganism, to locate the research lacuna and recommendations were also made to strengthen the research on Effective Microorganism.

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Dr. G. Alagukannan, M. Ashokkumar Role of Effective Microorganisms (Em) in Sustainable Agriculture – A Review and Recommendations International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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