Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Role of Education in family and society

Sama Praveen

Abstract :

  Education is the strongest influential force which affects the family as well as the whole society and in turn the family and the society influence the education of the child. The development of the child’s behavior is influenced by the family background. Schools and colleges are not the sole institution which educates a child. Child learns continuously from his home and his first teacher is his mother. Society is the congregation of many families. Teaching values and traditions that are framed and accepted by the family and society are given to child which he imbibes in himself and in turn is reflected in his personality. This is one aspect that family and society effect the child’s education but it was found that the family members of different family background are different according to their education .A well educated family can give better education to their child in comparison to a family whose members are uneducated. The researcher found that if the mother of the child is literate and educated the child is well educated and well mannered. Similarly if the child comes from a well educated and civilized society it directly influences the child’s behavior. At the end it was observed that education influences the family as well as the society. Similarly family and the society influence the education and behavior of the child. So we have to do effort not only to educate the child but also the adult member of the family and society

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Sama Praveen Role of Education in Family and Society International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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