Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

Role of dynamic contrast enhanced 3T MRI for differentiation of benign and malignant breast lesions with histopathological correlation

Dr Gaurav Raj, Dr. Ragini Singh, Dr Manju, Dr. Abhishek Chauhan, Dr. Ashish Singhal, Dr. Nuzhat Husain

Abstract :

 The aim of the   study   was   to differentiate   benign and malignant east lesions on  the  basis of   qualitative and   quantitative criteria  on dynamic contrast enhanced MRI with   histopathological   findings as   gold standard. The study was done on 54 patients who underwent MRI based on  suspicious   mammographic,  ultrasound  and   clinical examination findings. Dynamic contrast enhanced MR imaging was performed on 3Tesla machine. The morphological features of the lesions and time signal intensity curves on dynamic contrast enhanced MRI were evaluated. Histopathological correlation was done either by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)  or  biopsy. On analysis of qualitative criteria of MRI it was seen   that lesions with   irregular margins, heterogeneous enhancement were associated with malignancy and lesions with smooth margins, homogenous enhancement were benign. Quantitative assessment of kinetic curve in dynamic contrast enhanced study shows   significant association between Type II, III curves with malignant lesions and Type I curve with benign lesions.   

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Dr Gaurav Raj, Dr. Ragini Singh, Dr Manju, Dr. Abhishek Chauhan, Dr. Ashish Singhal, Dr. Nuzhat Husain, Role of dynamic contrast enhanced 3T MRI for differentiation of benign and malignant breast lesions with histopathological correlation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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