Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Role of Creativity and Innovation in Leadership in Ngo Reference to Nagapattinam (Dist), Tamil Nadu, India

George A, Dr. Rajandran K V R

Abstract :

The role of creative and innovation in leadership in NGO reference to nagapattinam. It draws on research from a variety of sources, and sees the leadership in the particular creative and innovation in which NGOs operate. What is clear from this research is that not only do individual leaders play a central role in shaping the destiny of many NGOs, but that their role and effectiveness is in part determined by the environment in which they work.

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GEORGE A, Dr. RAJANDRAN K V R Role of Creativity and Innovation in Leadership in Ngo Reference to Nagapattinam (Dist), Tamil Nadu, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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