Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2019


Dr. Surendra Singh, Mr. Shiv Kailash Yadav, Ms. Kajal Saini, Dr. Mukta Mital, Dr. Sameer R. Verma

Abstract :

CT plays an important diagnostic role in patients to determine anatomical variation (DNS) that may place the patient at increased risk for intra–operative and postoperative complications. In the present study, it has been attempted to identify the nasal septal deviation by Computerized Tomography and evaluation of associated pathology involving paranasal sinuses. This prospective study was conducted on 35 patients with clinical impression of deviated nasal septum subjected to CT scanning on PHIILIPS 128 SLICES machine. In the present study male patients (57.14%) showed more CT DNS abnormalities. CT abnormality was observed maximum in patients between 16–30 years (18 patients). The CT examination revealed pathological findings in 35 patients (100%) which included acute & chronic sinusitis (6%), sino–mucosal thickening (8%), sino–nasal polyposis (24%), septal spur (4%), fracture (4%), polypoidal mucosal thickening (4%), hypertrophy (8%), Paradoxical middle turbinate (4%). In this study, Sensitivity is (100%); Specificity (100%); Positive predictive value (97.1); Negative predictive value (86.7) and Accuracy is 100% of MDCT in detection of DNS. Thus CT scan may be useful as a complimentary/adjunct modality to increase the diagnostic yield in patients with in clinical documented nasal congestion and sinusitis.

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ROLE OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN EVALUATION OF DEVIATED NASAL SEPTUM, Dr. Surendra Singh, Mr. Shiv Kailash Yadav, Ms. Kajal Saini, Dr. Mukta Mital, Dr.Sameer R. Verma INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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