Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Role of Borden and Motibhai Amin in Public Library Movement

Dr. Manubhai Patel, Meghaben A. Patel

Abstract :

The contribution made by Maharaja Sayajirao III of Baroda in liary movement is really significant and remarkable. During the course of his second visit to the United States of America he had an opportunity to meet William Alanson Borden, of Young Men\'s Institute, New Haven, Connecticut. He invited him to his state, after knowing and realising insight regarding liarianship of the latter. 200 users/readers were randomly selected from four public liaries namely Baroda, Gandhinagar, Patan and Anand (50 from each public liary). A self-made questionnaire was prepared with the help of guide and sent to respondents to collect their views/ responses regarding role of borden and Motibhai Amin in Public Liary Movement in Baroda State. During his three years\' tenure of office, Mr. Borden conducted a liary training class, established the Central liary in capital city and, planned a network of free public liaries throughout the state. Shri Motibhai Amin established a liary in each school and a liary in each village He started moving liaries. In this way role of Borden and Motibhai Amin in developing liary network in Baroda state was significant and remarkable.

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Dr. Manubhai Patel,Meghaben A. Patel Role of Borden and Motibhai Amin in Public Library Movement International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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