Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Nagpur: A Case Control Study

Dr. Niniya Jayaprasad, Dr. Prakash R Bhatkule, Dr. Uday W Narlawar

Abstract :


Introduction:Understanding risk factors for Type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)  is necessary to halt its global epidemic by identifying at–risk individual, by initiating primary prevention intervention. Therefore this study was conducted to study some risk factors associated with T2DM in patients catered by GMC,Nagpur.

Methodology:This case–control study was conducted in Diabetes OPD and urban field practice area of GMC,Nagpur.100 newly diagnosed patients of T2DM, aged ≥30years and urban residents attending D–OPD were selected as cases. Equal number of 5–year–age–group and gender matched non–diabetic individuals, were selected as controls from UHTC of GMC,Nagpur. Using predesigned preform, socio–demographic characteristics, and history about various risk factors were assesses. Anthropometric measurements and BP were recorded using standard protocol. After calculating Crude Odds Ratio(OR), Adjusted OR(AOR) was calculated by Binary Logistic Regression.

Results:Majority subjects were aged 45–60 years. Statistically significant association was established between T2DM and family history of diabetes AOR=4.15(2.26–7.61),p<0.001); spousal diabetes AOR=2.48(1.25–4.91),p=0.009; low physical activity AOR=3.38(1.34–4.25),p=0.003; pre–obese/obesity AOR=5.77(3.03–10.98),p<0.001 and central obesity AOR=4.48(2.40–8.36)p<0.001).

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Dr.Niniya Jayaprasad, Dr. Prakash R Bhatkule, Dr. Uday W Narlawar, Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Nagpur: A Case Control Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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