Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Risk Factor Assessment in Patients With Breast Cancer in Government General Hospital, Guntur, India

Dr. Ch. Kalyan Kumar, Chukka Kereena

Abstract :

In India and other developing countries, east carcinoma ranks second only to cervical carcinoma among women. Study is aimed to determine the strength of known risk factors, physical/functional aspects among women admitted for Breast Cancer surgery at Department of Surgery, Government General Hospital, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. Data obtained from

cases using a structured questionnaire including information on age, educational level, socio economic status, and risk factor data. Height
and weight were measured. Body mass index (BMI) of the cases was calculated by using the formula weight in Kg/Height mt2. Fear, under
both family as well as occupational stress, poverty leads to inadequate intake of balanced diet and high consumption of pickles & chilly
powder, lack of awareness about low cost high nutritious foods, east cancer, life time exposure to pesticides are the important aspects that
delay treatment and diagnosis. Present study can be useful in understanding the epidemiology of east cancer in this region. Public health
programs that ensure access to self screening methods, appropriate, affordable diagnostic tests and treatment must be introduced.

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DR. Ch.Kalyan Kumar, Chukka Kereena Risk Factor Assessment in Patients With Breast Cancer in Government General Hospital, Guntur, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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