Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016


Anupriya Thomas, Dr. D. Gnanasekaran, Jibi Antony, Hannah Elizabeth . S

Abstract :

 Artocarpus hirsutus Lam. an endemic species of southern Western Ghats commonly called as ‘wild jack‘ is less explored for its medicinal potentials. It forms one of the major keystone species of Western Ghats. However, there is documentation of its medicinal properties in the third volume of Hortus Malabaricus, a book on the natural plant wealth of Asia. Wild jack is a tropical evergreen tree that is native to India (Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu), where it prefers moist, deciduous to partially evergreen woodlands. ?e Artocarpus hirsutus grows in altitudes ranging from sea level to an elevation of 1000 m in places with an annual rainfall of 1500 mm or more. Fruits are edible. Wood yellowish own, moderately hard, durable, seasons and polishes well, does not wrap or crack, not eaten by white ants, valuable for construction work (beams, rafters, door and window frames), panelling, flooring, furniture, cooperage, agricultural implements and boat building. It can also be used for tea boxes. Infusion of bark applied to cure pimples and cracks on the skin. Powdered bark used to heal sores; dry leaves useful in treating buboes and hydrocele; unripe fruit astringent, ripe fruit appetizer, cooling, aphrodisiac, and useful in vitiated condition of vata and pitta, and anorexia.

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Anupriya Thomas, Dr.D. Gnanasekaran, Jibi Antony, Hannah Elizabeth .S, REVIEW STUDY ON PHARMACOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE AND TRADITIONAL USES OF ARTOCARPUS HIRSUTUS LAM, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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