Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Review on voltage stability improvement using STATCOM and UPF

Kaushik. B. Patel, Sanjay. R. Vyas

Abstract :

The reconstructed power systems under deregulation are confronted with new challenges to build in new transmission lines for accommodating significantly increased power transactions. In order to improve system transmission line and derive high operational efficiency and system security, other than to build large interconnected systems, however, another viable way is the use of the Flexible AC Transmission systems (FACTS) devices. Voltage stability is a reactive power problem and can be solved by providing adequate reactive power support at some critical buses. FACTS devices are being increasing used to provide not only the reactive power support but also to control other aspects of a power system. Voltage instability problems increasing day by day because of increase demand in power. It is very important to analyze the power system with respect to voltage stability .This thesis will be based on the voltage stability analysis of IEEE 14 BUS and IEEE 30 BUS systems using STATCOM and UPFC devices.

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Kaushik. B. Patel,Sanjay. R. Vyas Review on voltage stability improvement using STATCOM and UPFC International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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