Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Review on Design and Analytical Model of Thermoelectric Generator

Satayu Travadi, Jaspalsinh Dabhi

Abstract :

Despite all advances in the miniaturization of Microsystems which depend on a central power source or bulky batteries with limited lifetime. Growing fields like autonomous Microsystems or wearable electronics urgently look for micro scale power generators. One possible solution is to convert waste heat into electrical power with TEG. Thermoelectric generator is a useful and environment friendly device with the advent of semiconductor materials the efficiency of a TEG can even be an alternative for the conventional heat engines. To faicate thermoelectric generators, one must design the structure of the TEG. This study investigated the role of the dimensions of TEG, including the length, and cross-sectional area of the thermo elements to evaluate the power and efficiency, The governing equations were derived from the Seebeck effect and Peltier effect. We calculated the thermoelectric power generated by the TEG and efficiency. The thermoelectric simulation produced design guidelines for high-performance TEG.

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Satayu Travadi, Jaspalsinh Dabhi Review on Design and Analytical Model of Thermoelectric Generator International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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