Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016

Review of Personalized Recommendation System with User Interest in Social Network

Santosh Dange

Abstract :

Recommendation System (RS) is the tool, which help to find interesting and relevant items or products. With the popularity of social network, ever more users like to share their real life experiences, such as blogs, ratings and reviews. New latest aspects of social networking like interpersonal influence and interest based on circles of friends carry opportunities and challenges for recommender system (RS) to resolve the cold start and sparsity problem of datasets. Several of the social factors have been used in Recommendation Systems; but still they have not been completely measured. The potential growth of the internet results the use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, linked–in etc. which produces huge amount of information (data), which leads to overwhelming. To overcome overwhelming, Personalized Recommendation System have been expansively used. In this paper, we discussed importance of Recommendation Systems, different methodologies and social factors, which influence Personalized Recommendation System.

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Santosh Dange Review of Personalized Recommendation System With User Interest in Social Network International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 1 January 2016

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