Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


Shabnam Joshi, Jaspreet Singh Vij, Shailendra Kumar Singh

Abstract :

The purpose of this review was to assess the current literature and provide new insights into the role of retrowalking in physiotherapy. Retrowalking or backward walking has recently emerged as a new concept in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Retrowalking has a distinct pattern of muscle activation and is associated with decreased walking speed, increased cadence and decreased stride length. It is related with increased metabolic costs and evokes greater cardiorespiratory response when compared to forward walking at similar speeds. Its role in patellofemoral pain and anterior cruciate ligament injury rehabilitation has been investigated showing positive results. Beneficial results of retrowalking, though with limited evidence have been seen in conditions such as stroke, cereal palsy and Parkinsonism where it has improved balance and gait. Few studies investigating its efficacy in knee osteoarthritis have reported positive outcomes on pain, disability and balance. Further researches should be done to explore the role of retrowalking in physiotherapy management of neurological and musculoskeletal conditions causing disability

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Shabnam Joshi, Jaspreet Singh Vij, Shailendra Kumar Singh Retrowalking: A New Concept in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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