Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Retrospective study of outcome analysis of full thickness skin graft in finger tip injuries

Dr. N. Prasanna Venkateshan, Dr. A. Anandkumar

Abstract :


Full–thickness skin grafts (FTSGs) are generally considered unreliable for coverage of finger defects with bone or tendon exposure.


In this retrospective study 14 patients with finger tip injury in 16 Hands treated withFull–thickness skin grafts (FTSGs). The assessment of graft intake sensation done by clinical method – Two point discrimination.


In our study 16 hands were assessed. Patient age ranged from 22 yrs to 56 years. Male female ratio was 2.8:1. FTSGsurvived with satisfactory functional and aesthetic results (88%). Partial graft loss (7%), depression deformity (7%), mild hyperpigmentation(21%).


We observed excellent graft survival with this method with no additional surgical injury to normal finger, satisfactory functional and aesthetic outcomes, and no need for secondary debulking procedures. Therefore, FTSGs may be an option for treatment of full–thickness finger defects with bone or tendon exposure defects is <5 mm.

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Dr. N. Prasanna Venkateshan, Dr.A. Anandkumar, Retrospective study of outcome analysis of full thickness skin graft in finger tip injuries, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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