Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Sam Sangeeth. G, Dr. M. Daniel Solomon

Abstract :

 This paper will elaborately discuss on interphase between the enhancement of social work professional practice in clinical and social geriatrics through supervision as a tool among social work trainees having their concentration in clinical and social gerontology. Social work is swiftly growing all over the Globe and its impact is enormously developed in developing and underdeveloped nations. But in other phase of development existence of human problems, interpersonal conflicts, social disparities with deviant clinical conditions of elderly are ranking to enormous vivid heights which disturbs the stability of elderly among rapid ageing population. In this critical hour social work interventions has to be strengthened among the social work trainees from their field exposures which is possible through rigorous and enriched supervision. The social work supervisor must have heightened level of knowledge and practiced base According IFSW 2014 “Social work is practiced based and an academic discipline that promotes social changes and development, social cohesion and the empowerment liberation of people of principles of social justice, human rights, collection responsibility and respect for diversity are control to social work underpinned by theories of social work, social science, humanities and indigenous knowledge, social work engages people and structure to address life changes and enhance wellbeing”. Social work education and practice is dynamic through its skills, values and core competencies. The need of the hour is to make a call for innovations in education and practice. The curriculum in social work education must be reviewed and renewed with relevance recent trends in global practice and making it indigenous. Professional knowledge based practice is a tool for liberation and empowerment of the feeble, marginalised and vulnerable section of the society like elderly population. Field work training is a special component in social work profession where social workers gain hands on training by application of theory and practice. Field work training must have standardised regulation for effective monitoring and evaluation standards of social work trainees. Field work training component has to be established to promote effective standard of practice in clinical geriatrics. Supervision is a unique and integral portion of clinical social work practice which need specialized intensive training by a social work professional who has efficient skill set.

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Sam Sangeeth.G, Dr. M. Daniel Solomon RETHINKING AND ENHANCEMENT OF FIELD WORK TRAINNING AND SUPERVISION IN CLINICAL GERIATRIC SOCIAL WORK International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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