Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Results of Proximal Femoral Nailing in Ipsilateral Fractures of Neck and Shaft of Femur– A Prospective Study of Fourteen Cases.

Dr. Bikash Jyoti Bordoloi, Dr. Sukalyan Dey

Abstract :

Background: Concurrent ipsilateral fractures of neck and shaft of femur is an infrequently encountered combination. Amongst many treatment modalities, we studied the outcome of Proximal Femoral Nailing in such cases. Materials & Methods: Fourteen consecutive cases of simultaneous fractures of neck and shaft of the same femur were operated with long PFN and followed up for 18 months. Results: Patients included mainly young active males suffering high velocity trauma. Average operating time was 86 minutes. Average union time was 12 weeks for the neck and 23 weeks for shaft fracture. Good outcome was achieved in 71.4% and fair in 28.6% as per Freidman & Wyman criteria. Complications included: delayed union (n=1) knee stiffness (n=1), coxa vara (n=1), shortening (n=1). Conclusion: Closed nailing with proximal femoral nail is the treatment of choice for simultaneous fractures of neck and shaft of the same femur, promising a good overall outcome.

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Dr. Bikash Jyoti Bordoloi, Dr. Sukalyan Dey Results of Proximal Femoral Nailing in Ipsilateral Fractures of Neck and Shaft of Femur- A Prospective Study of Fourteen Cases. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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