Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Result of core decompression with autologous PRP infusion in treatment of AVN hip.

Dr. Jayprakash V. Modi, Dr. Zulfikar M. Patel, Dr. Ashish D. Yadav, Dr. Mohit M. Patel, Dr. Shaival S. Dalal , Dr. Akash J . Shah, Dr. Kaushal R. Patel, Dr. Kalpesh A. Mehta

Abstract :

Osteonecrosis is a disease of impaired blood flow affecting mainly young people in their third,fourth or fifth decades. Proposed risk factors include, chemotherapy, alcoholism,[4] excessive steroid use,[5] post trauma,[6][7] ),[11] sickle cell anaemia,[12]and Gaucher‘s Disease,.[13]

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DR.JAYPRAKASH V.MODI,DR.ZULFIKAR M. PATEL ,DR.ASHISH D.YADAV,DR.MOHIT M.PATEL ,DR.SHAIVAL S. DALAL ,DR. AKASH J .SHAH ,DR.KAUSHAL R.PATEL, DR. Kalpesh A. Mehta Result of core decompression with autologous PRP infusion in treatment of AVN hip. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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