Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Restandardization of Emotional Intelligence And Adjustment Inventories Under North–East Indian Conditions

Jakir Hussain Laskar, Dr. Sudarshan Mishra

Abstract :

The investigator has selected two standardized tools for re–standardization through pilot study; these two tools were developed to assess the emotional intelligence and adjustment of secondary school teachers. The present Pilot studies are undertaken to test the Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment Inventories, what to be used for a larger study; for data collection. Pilot study serves as a guide for a larger study. Mangal‘s(2008) Teachers Emotional Intelligence Inventory (tEQi,) actually standardized at Noida. Mangal‘s(1996) Teachers Adjustment Inventory(TAI) also standardized at Rohtak. To test their applicability under North–East Indian conditions in the larger sample; and whether these two inventories are fit for this situation. The pilot studies for re–standardization were conducted on hundred secondary school teachers selected by simple random basis from the five different schools of Kamrup Urban, Assam. On completing the test, the researcher found comfortable in administering and scoring all the tests. Subjects found emotional intelligence and adjustment inventories are very simple and relevant to the daily life situations of the teachers.

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Jakir Hussain Laskar, Dr.Sudarshan Mishra Restandardization of Emotional Intelligence And Adjustment Inventories Under North-East Indian Conditions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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