Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Response of chickpea to inoculation with genetically improved and efficient Rhizobium strains

Shobhit Kumar Singh, Abha, A. Vaishampayan

Abstract :

There is considerable interest in improving nitrogen fixation in legumes to increase soil fertility, particularly in the developing countries which help the plant to grow better and produce more. The effect of inoculation of chickpeaseed with rhizobium strain G–567 was examined under laboratory and field conditions.In laboratory, we have foundG–567 is a slow grower (generation time 10 h) which forms distinct colonies (white, opaque compact, dome shaped) on CR and BTB plates. The strain G–567 was screened in vitro for their symbiotic performance activities using assays multi drug test, rhizobiophages infection test,amplification and sequencing procedure as well as field condition to determine symbiotic effectiveness. Derived phage resistant mutants (kanrvrtetrvr) showed symbiotic specificity with chickpea cultivars. Strain kanrvr revealed highest seed yield with chickpea cv. Radhe (14.8%), as compared to un–inoculated control. Yield increase recorded was approximately equivalent to 40 kg N–treatment (16.6%) above control. It is, therefore, concluded that comparative functional analysis of chickpea rhizobia can be genetically improved through achieving resistance to various antibiotics and rhizobiophages, towards their sustained utilization in BNF–based pulse eeding programmes for improving symbiotic parameters in Cicer–Rhizobium mutualistic association, leading to significant grain yield enhancement.

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Shobhit Kumar Singh, Abha,A. Vaishampayan Response of Chickpea to Inoculation with Genetically Improved and Efficient Rhizobium Strains International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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