Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Research Study on Vaccine Management in Public Sector of Tribal Area of Gujarat

Dr. Shikha Bansal, Dr. Sudarshan Gupta

Abstract :

Introduction:- India was one of the first countries to adopt Expanded Programme of Immunization and now has one of the largest immunization programs in the world in terms of number of beneficiaries covered, amount of vaccine used and geographical spread. The network of health facilities acting as cold chain points for vaccine storage is the fundamental cornerstone to ensure potent and quality vaccines reaches to the beneficiaries. Therefore, all efforts should be made to ascertain vaccine safety in cold chain system of these facilities. The present study is aimed at understanding the vaccine management practices in Valsad district of Gujarat state of India. Methodology:- This study was a descriptive analytical study where data from all the cold chain points where vaccines were stored was collected using a structured checklist and data was analysed using Microsoft Excel 2007. Results:- The cold chain sickness rate was 28%. 75.7% facilities practiced twice daily monitoring of vaccine temperature. Functional thermometer was available in 76.5% DFs and 83.8% ILRs. Vaccines in 97.3% ILR were found to be in usable form. Records of vaccines distributed for field use correlated with vaccine stock register in 36.8% health facilities. Conclusions:- Gaps in vaccine management need to be idged through capacity building of health staff, repair and replacement of equipments, introduction of vaccine management assessment tool and supportive supervision of the vaccine management etc.

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Dr. Shikha Bansal, Dr. Sudarshan Gupta Research Study on Vaccine Management in Public Sector of Tribal Area of Gujarat International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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