Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Reproductive Health Status of Women in Antenatal Care –A Comparative Study of Hindus and Muslims

K. Tirumala, Dr. R. K. Anuradha

Abstract :

Antenatal care it is the education, supervision and treatment to a pregnant woman so that her pregnancy and labour will terminate with delivery of a mature healthy living baby, without injury to the mind or body of the mother. The main objectives of the study are to assess the status of antenatal care for Hindu and Muslim pregnant women in Karvetinagar Mandal of Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. About 89% of the pregnant women availed antenatal visits of which 62% had received three or more ANC visits. Those receiving the second dose of TT or booster dose were about 78%. About 73% of the pregnant women received IFA tablets during their pregnancy. About 53% of the pregnant women had full package of ANC i.e. availed 3 or more ANC visits, both the doses of TT/boster and IFA tablets. The proportion of pregnant women who availed full ANC package was lower in Muslim women as compared to Hindu women. The proportion of Institutional deliveries managed by hospitals and health centres was about 41%, it being higher among literate women and in Hindu religion. The literacy of women is the key to improve antenatal care of pregnant women. Hence efforts should be made to have Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities targeted to educate the mothers especially in rural areas.

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K. Tirumala, Dr. R. K. Anuradha Reproductive Health Status of Women in Antenatal Care -A Comparative Study of Hindus and Muslims International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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