Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


J. K. Jain, Nidhi Gupta

Abstract :

 Arsenic is one of the oldest poisons known to men and its applications throughout history are wide and varied. Because arsenic in the bedrock is easily dissolved into surrounding water, inorganic arsenic is frequently present at elevated concentrations in ground water. The catastrophe of arsenic toxicity, caused by arsenic contaminated water, has already been reported in many countries of the world, namely in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, Taiwan, Magnolia, Vietnam, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Argentina, Mexico, Chile and the United States. As is a carcinogen which causes many cancers including skin, lung and bladder as well as cardio vascular disease. Various adsorption methods have been used for the removal of arsenic from contaminated water. In present study we tried Neem Leaves (NL), Neem Bark (NB), Black Berry Seed (BB), Guava Leaf (GL) and Rice Husk (RH) carbon as well as their same proportions (1:1) as mixed bio–adsorbents. The efficiency to remove arsenic from water, the application of mixed bioadsorbents proved to be more useful than the application of single bio–adsorbents. The experiment has followed batch process. The effect of contact time on removal efficiency of arsenic has been studied in detail. The effectiveness of adsorption is justified by adsorption kinetics. The adsorption kinetics has been to follow first order rate mechanism for BB and NL+NB but other adsorbents like NB, RH, NL, GL and NL+BB followed second order kinetics. All adsorbents followed Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models.

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J.K.JAIN, NIDHI GUPTA Removal of Arsenic From Water Using Some Low Cost Bio-Adsorbents (Single Mixed) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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