Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015


D. B. J Pekene, O. E Ekpe

Abstract :

In this paper a study of consequence of Newtonian 2nd law of motion in gravity and relativistic effect on equation of Geodesics was carried out .This paper answer some important questions on the link between Newtonian theory and geodesic gravitation With mathematical details we further discuss local inertial system and the motion of a particles along world line under gravity. In addition we state the line element equation that enable Astrophysics used to determine all possible effects of Newtonian gravitation and to possibly compute the red shift of spectral line that ultimately helped us in discussing quantization of events taking place in the celestial space of Astrophysics particle dynamics in Planck‘s scale geometry .This paper reveals the theory of geodesic and Newtonian theory of gravity is a manifestation of curvature of space time when considering a particle is moving slowly in weak unchanging gravitational field .It is also shown that ,if the motion of free particle has to follow space time geodesics, then the expression for the gravity acceleration is determine uniquely. Also the letter further tell us that every particle in space influence the behaviour of its neighbouring particle hence creating correlation. It depends on the variation of the metric with space and time and it involves the velocity of the particle.

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D.B.J Pekene, O.E EKPE Relativistic Effect of Geodesic Mechanics the Newtonian Mechanics and Their Consequnces International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015

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