Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Relationship of Selected Anthropometric and Physical Fitness Variables to Basketball Performance

Rakesh Meena, Dr. Pramod Singh

Abstract :

The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of anthropometric and physical fitness variables with Basketball performance. Basketball is a game of applied athletics and it requires well proportionate physique and great amount of physical fitness level. To achieve the objectives of the study six anthropometric and seven physical fitness variables were included as independent variables and playing ability as dependent variable, which was assessed through subjective rating, by three experts, during the tournaments and the average was taken as criterion score. Forty five male Basketball players, who had participated the University of Rajasthan Basketball tournament in 2010–2011 seasons, were selected as subjects. Person’s product moment correlation (zero order) was used as a statistical tool to find out the result and it revealed that the anthropometrics variables of height, weight, arm length, leg length, palm span and sum of four skin folds and physical fitness variables of speed, agility, explosive power, shoulder strength, strength endurance and endurance were having significant relationship with Basketball performance and only flexibility was not having significant relationship with Basketball performance

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Rakesh Meena, Dr. Pramod Singh Relationship of Selected Anthropometric and Physical Fitness Variables to Basketball Performance International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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