Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Relationship between types of ABO blood groups and Rh group with Hypertensive disorder among pregnant women in Bani Suef, Egypt

Dr. Amal Roshdi A. Mostafa, Dr. Ekbal Abd El Rheim Emam, Dr. Abeer Mohamed E. Eldeeb

Abstract :

<p> Hypertension is one of the most common medical problem encountered in pregnancy and is a major cause of maternal, fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in both developing and developed countries since ABO blood groups are known to be associated with various pathological conditions. The Aim of this study was to examine the possible relation between types of ABO blood groups and Rh group with Hypertensive Disorders among pregnant women in Beni – Suef, Egypt. Subject and Methods: A cross–sectional descriptive study; was conducted in a purposive sample of 380 pregnant women. Data collected through a semi–structured interview and field note that the researchers were taking during participants’ and observation at 2 days a week for six months in antenatal clinic at Beni Suef University hospital. .Result: the result of this research showed that the most of the study sample age less than 20 year and more than half of them (56%) hypertensive .Conclusion: This study reveals that there is relation between ABO and hypertension and no relation between Rh and hypertension especially with B group during pregnancy. Recommendation: Guide lines for pregnant women regarding the relation between types of ABO blood group, Rh group and hypertension during pregnancy</p>

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Amal Roshdi A.Mostafa, Dr. Ekbal Abd el Rheim Emam, Dr. Abeer Mohamed E. Eldeeb Relationship between types of ABO blood groups and Rh group with Hypertensive disorder among pregnant women in Beni – Suef, Egypt International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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