Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Relationship Between Profile Characteristics of Farmers and their Extent of Awareness on Crop Loan System, Level of Attitude And Utilization of Crop Loan

Shashikant Divakar, M. Jagan Mohan Reddy

Abstract :

The paper is focussed on analysing the relationship between profile of the farmers and extent of awareness on crop loan system, level of attitude and utilization of crop loan. The variables farm size, socio–political participation and achievement motivation were positively and significantly correlated with the attitude of farmers towards crop loan whereas, the variable age was negatively and significantly correlated with the attitude. The variables farm size, achievement motivation and risk orientation were positively and significantly correlated with extent of crop loan utilization, whereas age was negatively and significantly correlated with extent of crop loan utilization. The variables education, annual income and extension contact were positively and significantly correlated with the pattern of crop loan utilization. The variables education, farming experience, annual income, socio–political participation and extension contact were positively and significantly correlated with extent of awareness of farmers on crop loan system.  

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SHASHIKANT DIVAKAR1, M. JAGAN MOHAN REDDY / Relationship Between Profile Characteristics of Farmers and their Extent of Awareness on Crop Loan System, Level of Attitude And Utilization of Crop Loan / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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