Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014


Dr. P. Palani Rajan, , Dr. A. Kannan, Dr. Uma Muralidharan

Abstract :

Reflex seizures are epileptic seizures which are consistently elicited by a specific stimulus(1). These seizures can arise in a ‘spontaneous’ unpredictable fashion without detectable precipitating factors, or they can be provoked by certain recognisable stimuli. These seizures are the result of sensory stimulation caused by the environment and hence it is also termed as environment epilepsy(2).Startle reflex, a protective ain stem reflectory reaction, is one among the many precipitating events resulting in reflex seizures. Exaggerated startle reflex is seen in a few disorders in infants and children.Careful history, thorough physical examination and relevant investigations to confirm the specific diagnosis is important as,both the treatment and prognosis varies between different diseases.Here we report a case of reflex seizures precipitated by startle reflex in a child.

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Dr.P.PALANI RAJAN,, Dr.A.KANNAN,Dr.UMA MURALIDHARAN REFLEX SEIZURES International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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