Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Reflection on Metacognitive Strategies Teaching Learning Perspective

Dr. M. Parimala Fathima, Dr. A R. Saravanakumar

Abstract :

From the perspectives of instructional methodologies metacognition which involves more efficient use of strategies are found desirable. Metacognition benefits the learners more than any other learning methodology. Because in a metacognitive environment, thinking, planning, goal setting, problem–solving, evaluating, informing and connecting education with life etc., come into play in a big way. In this paper focus on the reflection of metacognitive strategies and the corresponding creation of metacognitive environment to facilitate effective teaching and learning.

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Dr. M. Parimala Fathima, Dr. A R. Saravanakumar Reflection on Metacognitive Strategies � Teaching Learning Perspective International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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