Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Reductions in Sediment Yield through Different Management Practices in the Mohgaon Watershed

A. K. Thawait, M. S. Chauhan

Abstract :

 This paper evaluated the impacts of best management practices (BMPs) on sediment yield reduction in Mohgaon Watershed. Soil and Water Assessment Tool model was used in evaluating the impacts of implementing BMPs. The SWAT model is caliated and validated following a sensitivity analysis combining Latin Hypercube sampling and One–factor–At–a–Time simulation. The caliated model was then applied in the Mohgaon Watershed to simulate BMPs including Conservation tillage, Parallel Terraces and Channel Protection. The three scenarios were simulated independently as well as a combination scenario was also simulated. Results showed that considerable reductions in sediment concentrations occurred when the BMPs were simulated. The results will help in deciding suitable conservation practices to be implemented over the watershed to reduce sedimentation yield.

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A.K. Thawait, M.S. Chauhan Reductions in Sediment Yield Through Different Management Practices in the Mohgaon Watershed International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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