Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Reduction of "Lack of Penetration" defects in GTAW of nuclear piping installation through Six Sigma approach

Shanmuga Raman G. , Venkat Raman B.

Abstract :

 Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology using statistics and data analysis to reduce process variations  and thereby the defects in the output of any business process. This paper details the implementation of Six Sigma for  reduction of GTAW defect “Lack of Penetration” in the nuclear facility of a nuclear research organization in India. The study aimed at verifing the applicability of Six Sigma in a non–mass manufacturing process like GTAW of ss pipes. This study has made use of DMAIC (DefineMeasure–Analyze–Improve–Control) approach to find a solution for high “Lack of Penetration” defect rates in GTAW of ss pipes. The outcome  of the study pinpoints variation in welders’ skill and practice as the root cause for “Lack of Penetration” defects. 

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Shanmuga Raman G., Venkat Raman B. Reduction of "Lack of Penetration" defects in GTAW of nuclear piping installation through Six Sigma approach International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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