Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Recovery Offish Fingerlings Stage of Cyprinus Carpio From Induced Ammonia Stress

R. Koteswara Rao, K. Sujatha, A. Shobha Rani, P. Neeraja

Abstract :

Ammonia is a byproduct of fish metabolism, when present in high levels is quite toxic to most organisms has been attributed to the ammonia species.In the present study Fingerlings of Cyprinus carpio weighing about 500±10mg and 4±0.5cm long were selected for the present study. Temperature and pH were maintained throughout the experimentation. Toxicity test were conducted using Ammonia solution. The LC50was found to be 18.8 mg/L. 1/6th of the LC50 concentration i.e., 3.24 ppm was selected as sub lethal concentration and fishes were exposed to 14 days to this concentration. In order to understand the effect of ammonia stress on the detoxification aspect of the ain tissue, activity levels of Glutamatedehydrogenase (GDH), glutamine synthetase(GS), Glutathione-S-transferases (GST)andGlutathione peroxidase(GPx)enzyme levels were estimated in the ain tissue of the animal.

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R.KOTESWARA RAO, K. SUJATHA, A. SHOBHA RANI, P.NEERAJA Recovery Offish Fingerlings Stage of Cyprinus Carpio From Induced Ammonia Stress International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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