Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Reconstruction of auricular defects in a tertiary care center– a long term prospective study

Dr. K. Raja, Dr. Ramasamy Lingappan

Abstract :


Reconstruction of human ear is one of the greatest technical and aesthetic challenges, facing the plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon. The three dimensional nature of the ear with many curls, peaks, and valleys makes this one of the most elegant body parts. The rigid nature of cartilage along with its elastic nature is a testament to its unique properties which makes it very difficult to reproduce. In this study we are presenting the ear deformities resulting from trauma and the methods of reconstruction followed in our department over a three year period. We have treated 43 patients with various types of flap cover. Ear lobule was the commonest part affected in our study. Primary reconstruction of ear deformities achieved better results than delayed or secondary reconstruction.

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Dr.K.Raja, Dr.Ramasamy Lingappan, Reconstruction of auricular defects in a tertiary care center- a long term prospective study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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