Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Recent Changes and Amendments in Relation to Crimes Against Women in India

Talapala Venkata Nagaraja, Indla Devasena

Abstract :

India is the fourth most dangerous place in the world for women to live in. In India, police records show a high incidence of crimes against women. Earlier many crimes against women were not reported to the police due to the social stigma attached to the rape and molestation. Official statistics show a dramatic increase in the number of reported crimes against women. Many crimes are happening from decades against women and various laws and sections were framed to deal with those crimes. The death following a gang rape of a 23 year

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TALAPALA VENKATA NAGARAJA, Indla Devasena Recent Changes and Amendments in Relation to Crimes Against Women in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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