Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015


S. Karthik. , P. K. Manojkumar

Abstract :

Research conclusion in requirements Reengineering (RE) reports that software organizations still resist in launching processes that lead to appropriate requirements behavior. This leads to the acknowledgement that it is not common that the agreement of good requirements engineering practiced by any software industry. Even though some proposal have been prepared to stretch the use of good performance of adapted RE, the area of market-driven requirements Reengineering (MDRRE) still be deficient in an involvement in that trend. MDRRE is differentiating by strong market and strategic point of reference, which shows the disparity with the client/improvement institute liaison of custom-made RE. This deception makes quite a few confronts to software product organizations, such as the need for support development behavior with managerial and product approaches. In an effort to aid these organizations to comprehend the benefits of MDRRE, the Market-Driven Requirements Reengineering Process Model (RREPM) is developed. RREPM is an anthology of good practices in Market driven requirements and an assessment contrivance for organizations to get a depiction of the current state of their MDRE performance. The evaluation proposes to disclose the problem areas of organization’s requirements process, which can be worked upon by initiating good practices portrait in the model. The REPM has been shown to be useful for industry practitioners. A unanimous opinion has been found as to the good coverage it provides of concerns correlated to MDRE, and as to its usefulness for driving improvement efforts in requirements engineering

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S.Karthik., P.K.Manojkumar RE-ENGINEERING TOOLS REQUIREMENT RE-ENGINEERING PROCESS MODEL ON MARKET USE CASES (RREPM) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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