Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2020

Radix Entomolaris - A Case Report

Kanika Jain, Santoshni Samal, Vijayadhar Bhatt, Aakriti

Abstract :

Root canal treatment failures are problematic for both the clinicians as well as patient. A major cause of such failures is due to lack of knowledge of root canal anomalies which in turn leads to canals that are missed in due course of instrumentations and are left undeided. Radix entomolaris is one such anomaly. Normally the permanent mandibular first molars has only two roots but in this anomaly , they may have one extra root either present buccally or lingually .This report is an effort to understand the prevalence, morphology , clinical approach and management of Radix Entomolaris which will leads to a successful root canal treatment.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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RADIX ENTOMOLARIS - A CASE REPORT, Kanika Jain, Santoshni Samal, VijayaDhar Bhatt, Aakriti INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2020

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