Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Radioimaging In Retroperitoneal masses.

Dr. Bhagvati V. Ukani, Dr. Bhavesh R Goyani, Dr. Hinal Bhagat

Abstract :

 Background–Retroperitoneal neoplasm, a part of abdominal cavity, is diverse group of benign and malignant neoplasm. Diagnosis of this tumour is often challenging for radiologists and consists of various steps like determining tumour location and recognising specific features of specific tumours.Radiological evaluation thus play a critical role in diagnosis of retroperitoneal mass. Objectives–.To evaluates the role of radiology in investigation and diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses. To analyse the advantage and limitation of each imaging modality in the diagnosis of a retroperitoneal mass. Material and method–It was prospective observational study conducted during period of December 2011 to Feuary 2014 at Government Medical College, Ahmadabad.Total 50 numbers of patients based on clinical suspicion of retroperitoneal mass were included in study. After inclusion in the study all participant underwentsome form of radiological examination in radiology department. Results–Out of 50 patients 36(72%) were males and 14(28%) were females. In our study most common patients were 0–10 years age group 15 (30%) followed by 31–40 years 8 (16). Lump in abdomen and pain in abdomen was the most frequent symptom seen in 40 (80%) followed by weight loss i.e. 11 (22%). Radiological investigations plain X–ray of abdomen and chest was carried out in all patients 50(100%).Next common investigation was USG that was carried out in 44(88%) followed by IVU in 34(68%),CT scan in 22(44%).In this study out of 50 cases 27(54%) were malignant lesions and 23(46%) were benign. Among lesions renal lesions was most common 19(38%) followed by suprarenal lesions 5(10%). In renal lesions most common lesions were Wilm’s tumour (7/19) 37% followed by renal cell carcinoma (4/19)21%. Conclusion– Interventional radiology is very useful as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. It significantly change patient management. Practice of conservative surgery has increased and found to be curative in increasing number of patients. Integrated imaging should be practiced in the best possible manner to provide the diagnostic information in quickest, least expensive and least invasive way possible.

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Dr. Bhagvati V. Ukani, Dr. Bhavesh R Goyani, Dr. Hinal Bhagat Radioimaging in Retroperitoneal Masses. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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