Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016


Dr. Mrs. , Parveen Rani

Abstract :

 Research and policy makers agree that teacher quality is a pivotal policy issue in education reform. Teacher quality play a vital role in ensuring optimum human resource development. Increasingly demanding and complex market forces require revitalized teacher education systems. ?e questions of quality assurance and relevance gained some necessity as a result of NPE (1986). Quality assurance needs to be pursued in all field of education, particularly teacher education, by finding the empirical basis for relevant and efficient teacher preparation programmes. It is in this context that research in these areas to explore not only what exists today but what is required for the future becomes a priority. Relevance of research in the field of quality, relevance and efficiency has become all the more urgent as NCTE and NAAC have taken up assessment and accreditation of teacher education institutions in India. ?e parliament appreciated the role of quality teacher education in provided quality teachers for quality school education and passed an Act. In 1993 for setting up of the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) as a statutory body. ?is paper highlights the various endeavours made by the central and state governments to augment the quality of education, teacher preparation and professional development of teachers

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Dr. (Mrs.), Parveen Rani, QUALITY VERSUS QUANTITY IN TEACHER EDUCATION:, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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