Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Quality Of Life of Women with Cervical Cancer

Mrs. Ramisha Kp, Mrs. Giggy John

Abstract :

Background: The diagnosis of cancer is a major threat to the Quality Of Life (QOL) of the patient, particularly if it is a case of carcinoma of the reproductive organs. Even though our health care setup lays stress on the need for a comprehensive approach, there are many practical problems in its implementation. Curative measures are immediately applied, but less importance is given to the other domains of health. The aim of the study is to determine the QOL of women with cervical cancer and find out the association between QOL and selected variables.  Material and Methods: A cross sectional survey was carried out on 100 women with cervical cancer who have undergone radiation therapy and attended in oncology departments of MCCH, Thrissur. Semi structured interview schedule and rating scale were used for assessing the socio demographic data, clinical data and QOL.  Results: The total QOL was average in majority of the women with cervical cancer, living with their husbands and not living with their husbands.There is significant association between QOL of women with cervical cancer, living with their life partner and stage of disease at the time of diagnosis and co morbidities. Also there is significant association between QOL of women with cervical cancer, not living with their life partner and their parity and duration after diagnosis of the disease.Conclusion: Majority of the women with cervical cancer were not experiencing good QOL. Information booklet on cervical cancer and its management prepared by the researcher can be utilized for patients to deal with the problems and complications of cervical cancer.

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Mrs.Ramisha KP, Mrs.Giggy john, Quality Of Life of Women with Cervical Cancer, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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