Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Quality Deficits in Indian Higher Education

Dr. Saima Siddiqi

Abstract :

Higher education system is essential for national, social, and economic development of the country. Quality assurance is of great importance to the institution. Quality of institution depends on its faculty, pedagogy, curriculum design, strategic planning, examination system, resources and policies. In this era of extensive competition quality education is a major concern (Koslowski, 2006). In the wake of the transition from elitist to mass education universities worldwide are under pressure to enhance access and equity, on the one hand and to maintain high standards of quality and excellence on the other. This paper highlights the quality deficits and the need of quality improvement in Higher Education system in India

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Dr. Saima Siddiqi Quality Deficits in Indian Higher Education International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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