Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Pulmonary Aspergilloma–A Case Report

Dr Reeta Dhar. M. D, Dr Shilpi Sahu. M. D, Dr Naresh Pahuja. Mbbs

Abstract :

Introduction: To report a case of pulmonary aspergilloma in an individual presented with healed fiocavitory lesion of lung. Method: A case of 26 years old male, non smoker presented with complaints of hemoptysis , fever , weight loss and allergy to dust since 8 months . Patient was a case of pulmonary tuberculosis and had taken treatment for 1 year . Chest X ray showed shadow in right upper lobe . The shadow showed crescent sign . CT scan showed fiocavitary Koch\'s lesion in apicoposterior segment of right upper lobe. Bronchiectatic smaller cavities in adjacent lung parenchyma and aspergilloma in one large cavity . We received the gross specimen of right upper lobe lung measuring 8x7x5cms. Cut section showed a cavity beå necrotic, friable grayish own mass measuring 4x3x2.5cms. The cavity showed communication with onchus. Microscopic sections from necrotic mass revealed fungal hyphae uniform , narrow, tubular & regularly septate. Branching was regular, progressive & dichotomous. Cavitary wall was lined by granulation and fiocollagenous tissue. Lung parenchyma showed alveoli with extensive hemorrhage. Few onchioles showed dilatation and degenerative changes . Conclusion : Healed fio cavitary lesion of lung can present with Aspergilloma.

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Dr Reeta Dhar. M.D, Dr Shilpi Sahu.M.D, Dr Naresh Pahuja. MBBS Pulmonary Aspergilloma-A Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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