Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Publication Trends In Journal of School Social Work (2004–2013) : A Bibliometric Review

Sinu. E, Janakiraman. K

Abstract :

AIM: To evaluate the trends of articles published in Journal of School Social Work, India.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Totally 210 articles were selected randomly from 2004-2013 and all the articles from the particular issue were included for the review. RESULTS: Majority of the articles were contributed byfemale authors (57%), single authors (72%), academicians (51%), Government Institutions(47%), 53.8% articles were from Tamil Nadu, followed by Karnataka (23.8%). 59% contributors were from Social Work discipline. Research articles constituted17.2%. CONCLUSION: There is atrend towards academicians contributing more number of non-empirical articles. There is strong need for swift towards considering empirical studies for publication for growth of school social work in India.

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Sinu.E,Janakiraman.K Publication Trends In Journal of School Social Work (2004-2013) : A Bibliometric Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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