Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Piyush Dubey, Garima Singh Kathait, Dr. Anita Puri Singh

Abstract :

 Lifespan perspectives have played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of many forms of psychopathology. Unfortunately, little attention has been given to psychodynamics and psychopathology of aged survives on different living patterns. The purpose of this study is to explore the comparison of older adults survive on different living patterns. Study conducted on 73 senior citizens. Sample divided into three groups– first– which was living with their families, second–which was living alone at own house and third– which was living in old age homes. Clinical analysis questioner (CAQ) was used for assessment of psychodynamics and psychopathology of aged. Study concluded that living pattern of older adults affect their personality and mental health. The older adults who lived alone have more personality issues where as who lived at old age home have more mental health problems as compared to others. Proper care and support will improve their well–being in the future.

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Piyush Dubey, Garima Singh Kathait, Dr. Anita Puri Singh Psychopathology and Psychodynamic Scenario of Aged in Bhopal International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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