Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Pseudooutbreak of Candida guilliermondii fungemia in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Dr. Parul Shah, Dr. Palak Bhatia

Abstract :

Objective: This study aims at identifying the source of Candida guilliermondii (C.guilliermondii) from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and guide the clinicians for proper preventive measures to be taken to eliminate the source of infection.Methods: Total 448 blood culture samples were received during 22 week period (1st October 2011 to 17th Feuary 2012) which were processed by standard routine conventional methods and were correlated with their clinical history and various laboratory parameters. To identify the source, swabs were collected from different sites of NICU and were cultured. Results: 90 (20.08%) blood culture samples were positive. Of the various organisms isolated, 43(47.7%) were bacteria and 48(53.33%) were candida. Among the candida isolated, C. guilliermondii(41(85.41%) were maximum. Most of the patients positive for C.guilliermomondii had normal laboratory parameters without any significant clinical history. From the swabs collected from NICU, those collected from lumen of multiple cut sections of intravenous set ,three–way stop cocks of neonates and hands and nails of few paramedical staff gave positive culture for C.guilliermondii. Conclusion: This study ings us to the conclusion that, C.guilliermondii was a mere colonizer as it has not lead to any complications in neonates

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Dr. Parul Shah, Dr.Palak Bhatia Pseudooutbreak of Candida guilliermondii fungemia in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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