Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Provision and Maintenance of Quality Education for Learners With Special Needs in Nigerian Inclusive Schools

Michael Eskay, Joshua, E. Umeifekwem, Kay C. Onyechi

Abstract :

Learners with special needs are only different from others in that they requirespecial attention which others may not require.Learners with special needs share in common with their other peers the desire for education and selfdetermination. However, they are limited by the challenges of sustaining attention and focus. Regrettably, quality education within the framework of inclusive education for special needs is gravely undermined by lack of provision of this programme. In the endeavor of finding ways to assist such learners along their individual paths of discovery, it is essential that parents and teachers play their various roles of devising standard means of engaging with special needs. This paper therefore contends that a very important way to achieve quality education for persons with special needs is to inextricably link special educational processes with oader processes of educational reform. More so to integrate them regardless of the type or severity of disability, in their communities so that they experience no physical or attitudinal barriers as they pursue their personal goals in education, housing ,employment, and all other activities of daily living. This process is generally known as inclusion. It will help to achieve the education for all objectives by making it possible for learners with special needs to be educated in least restrictive environment, and will help promote quality education for all children especially those with special needs.

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Michael Eskay, Joshua, E. Umeifekwem, Kay C. Onyechi Provision and Maintenance of Quality Education for Learners With Special Needs in Nigerian Inclusive Schools International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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